-I can’t sit my ass down to study for more than ten minutes at a stretch, which is quite sad considering my exams are some three days away. And no, before you say that’s a pretty long time, it isn’t. My political science portion will scare you. I mean it.
-My phone isn’t lighting up with text messages as often as before. And let me tell you, I do not like it. Not one bit. Come on, you can’t be serious that you’ve never felt slightly bummed when it happened to. I don’t know, but there is just something so exciting when your thumbs scream out in protest, what with the excessive texting. I won’t really blame you if you haven’t felt that though. I am a tad bit eccentric.
-A million little pieces. What a book. Sure, it took me an unusually long time to finish it, what with the author’s heart-wrenching story and the fact that I just couldn’t get through more than twenty pages without wanting to die. Nevertheless you have to read it. He was honest. He was a fighter. And more importantly, every feeling was real.
-I hate to think back to all those summers where I went without knowing the joys of buttermilk. No, really. I missed out on quite a bit.
-Why can’t my phone light up already?
-My funny book is almost over. I’m hanging on to that last blank page for dear life, until I get to Chennai and buy a new one. At landmark. Because it’s tradition, if you really must know.
-I hate nail paint that chips. It’s annoying. And very unappealing to look at. Even for the person that has it on, I’d like to add.
-I missed karaoke today. Do you have ANY idea how badly I wanted to go, sing and do the hustle? I guess not.
-Lady Gaga looks scary in that one part in bad romance. You’ll know what part I’m talking about when you actually get around to watching the video. I don’t even have to mention which part in particular, you’ll figure it out. It’s kind of hard to miss.
-Word 2007 is awesome! That stupid information technology class served some purpose after all. NOT that word is that hard to begin with. Just that I’m too lazy to explore into the details unless I HAVE to.
-I don’t know why my neighbour’s had to send away those puppies. I mean THEY live here don’t they? Why can’t the puppies just live with them? And no, I’m not taking into consideration that they probably don’t want them. That’s no excuse. *sighs in exasperation*
-Mosquitoes are a pain. Especially when you wake up and look in the mirror and see horrible red, itchy marks.
-Why can’t you just call? You don’t seem to understand that when you don’t, I worry excessively. And I think excessively. And make up various theories in my head. And then worry a little more. Which is all rather unfair. I mean you COULD just pick up the phone and call and save me of all this trouble you know.
-Finally, it lights up.
-These stupid scissors with the pretty-to-look-at-fancy-blades can’t cut paper. I’m telling you. They really can’t.
-I want strawberries!
-I’m STILL afraid of the dark. You’d think I’d be over it by now.
-I hate being the last one to go to bed. Cause then I have to walk around, turning off all the lights. And then at some point, it WILL be fully dark. And that scares me.
-My mother just walked in and told me to ‘go to bed’. It’s 11:32. Who even sleeps at 11:32?
-You know what I really want? Besides kicking a certain someone in the gut real hard? I want a sub. Yes, I’m aware that just a few seconds ago I wanted strawberries and that you were probably beginning to picture them, all red and sweet, before I changed my mind so suddenly and completely ruined that pretty picture for you. Now how about that sub?
-So, maybe I was just trying to act all badass when I said that thing above. Not the sub bit you moron, the other bit. Cause see, contrary to your belief, I am not the gut-kicking type. Nor I am particularly badass.
-I have considered the fact that you do not care, but I’m telling you anyway.
-I think I’ve run out of thoughts. Or maybe they’re just passing by too quickly.
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